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博伊西,ID 83702



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心d 'Alene, ID 83814




High school students connect to their surroundings through experiential learning

This story was written by the 我们的宝石 Collaborative team for the CDA Press on Sunday, March 21, 2021. 阅读原文.

在了望山口的斜坡上被绑在雪鞋上, students from Lake City High School found themselves reflecting on Coeur d’Alene Lake.

“那是在我们降落的时候,”伊丽莎白·埃德蒙兹说. “我突然被这一切之间的联系打动了. 我们刚刚挖出来的雪总有一天会融化,流进我们的湖里.”

Edmonds and her peers from Jamie Esler’s environmental science class are among the thousands of students who have drawn these parallels while participating in 合流工程.

The experiential learning program helps high school students understand science in their watershed. 这是bet365亚洲官网的合作项目, 科达伦部落, 库特奈环境联盟, 爱达荷州环境质量部和潘汉德尔卫生区.

The program provides all curriculum, equipment and field trip funds for schools to participate. 目前的资助者包括Alliance Data, Avista基金会, Coeur d’Alene Tribe 教育 Department and the Kootenai County Aquifer Protection District.

“[合流工程] challenges my students to work together to solve problems, 研究真正的科学事业, 履行沟通的公民责任, 合作, 在当地组织做志愿者,埃斯勒说。. “最重要的是, 我的学生体验并建立了与当地山脉的关系, 在这些实地考察中看到的河流和湖泊.”

整个学年, 学生们参观湖泊和河流来测量水质, 点击水井了解含水层, 用雪鞋来量化积雪量.

“I love getting students outside and teaching them about our watershed on a personal level,玛丽·施密特说。, bet365亚洲官网科达伦分校外展专家. “每年, 合流工程 provides hundreds of students the opportunity to explore our water resources from snowpack to aquifer and everything in between.”

在这特别的一天, 50 Lake City High students found themselves digging pits in the snow to determine water availability for the coming year.

“One of the many things I learned at Lookout was how drastically the falling of snow and the steady thaw fuels the entire Inland Northwest and our entire ecosystem,帕尔默·雷克斯说.

每次降雪都会在积雪中形成一个独特的层, 每个都有不同的密度和含水量. Students measure the density of each layer and calculate the snow water equivalent. They can then compare their findings to data collected by the automated Snow Telemetry (SNOTEL) site at 望通过. SNOTEL的站点遍布美国西部.S. 并由自然资源保护局监测. 今年, the snow water equivalent in the greater Coeur d’Alene Lake/Spokane River watershed is at 98% of average. 在瞭望台,雪水当量为94%.

“如果你喜欢科达伦湖和周边地区, then it is important to know one thing: none of it would be here if it were not for the snow in the mountains,学生彼得·布考斯基说. “科达伦80%的水来自山上的雪, 所以保护我们的冬天是很重要的.”

汇流项目在每年春天的青年水峰会上达到高潮. Students present water-related research projects at the scientific conference. 平均每年约有10所学校和500名学生参加.

有关爱达荷州积雪的最新数据,请查看 当前状况图 来自美国农业部.

特别感谢 望通过 每年允许数百名学生在山上穿雪鞋.

继续读下去,你会得到更多来自Mr. 英语的课

“This field trip was full of excitement, cold hands, and lots of falls in the deep layers of snow. 一天的大部分时间里,我们都全神贯注于我们的任务, 程序, 确保我们不会在雪地里迷路. It wasn’t until we were making the journey back down the mountain that I truly realized the beauty of where we were. 雪下得很轻, 树上挂着结冰的苔藓, 一层柔软的雪覆盖了眼前的一切. 就是在这次下山的过程中,我突然意识到这一切之间的联系. 我们刚刚挖出来的雪总有一天会融化,流进我们的湖里. The slope that I was walking on had seen the footsteps of 科达伦部落, 很久以前的矿工和滑雪者. The trees that I watched with wonder had seen the perils and rebirth of fire. 我常常忘记在我之前经历了多少. 时间带来了变化,但也带来了熟悉. 每年雪都落在山上. 每年它都会融化,填满我们的湖. This cycle teaches us how influential the rhythm of life can be if you’re willing to stop and recognize it.”

“科达伦冬天的重要性在于雪. 它为我们的湖泊和生活方式提供了水. The winters are cold and long but beautiful because of the things they provide for us. The snowpack affects the freshwater coming into the lakes in the spring and early summer, 这样可以增加湖水的水量,防止湖水变得太热, 这可能会伤害生活在湖中的物种. The annual snowpack present in this area is crucial for the yearlong well-being of this area and the species that live in it.”

“I connected to this place today because it is so calm and relaxing and much needed. 我知道雪越挖越冷,越硬. 也, the snow melts and runs down the river and eventually into Coeur d’Alene Lake which is really cool. It is very important to get a good snowpack so it can run lots of water back into the rivers and eventually the lake.”

“如果你喜欢科达伦湖和周边地区, then it is important to know one thing: none of it would be here if it were not for the snow in the mountains. 科达伦80%的水来自山上的雪, 所以保护我们的冬天是很重要的.”

“One of the many things I learned while we were at Lookout was how drastically the falling snow and the steady thaw fuels the inland northwest and our entire ecosystem. Without the slow burn of water trickling through the region life would be very different.”
- 帕默耙子

“当我们研究雪层时,看到它们展示了历史. 就像树木的年轮一样,这些层突出了过去的事件.”

“在有滑雪场之前,这里有一座山. 那座山, 一千年来, has made its contribution to the ecosystem with its fruitful winters and eventual springtime snowmelt. 在三月到来时, the high elevation atmosphere will insulate more thermal temperature and the mountain commences its annual warming. It’s crucial this warming begin in a timely manner in order for rivers to hit their high season early enough, 足够用于农业, 群迁移, 冬眠出现. 爱达荷州的冬天很重要. 困难, 是的, but the inconvenience of scraping off your car pales in comparison to the ecological impact of yearly snowpack and how its density directly affects the valley lake level. 由于全球气温持续上升, 然而, 这些降雪和融化每年都发生得越来越晚. 这对当地生态系统意味着什么仍在观察中, but experiences like these are great opportunities for learning about the significance of the northwestern climate.”

“我觉得自己和这座山有一种联系. 那是我第一次在雪道之外探索瞭望台. 我学到了很多关于这座山在冬天如何变化的知识.”

“I learned that there are many different layers in snow and I had never thought about that before. 我还了解到不同类型的雪会导致雪崩. 虽然这里的冬天黑暗而阴沉,但它们非常重要. 所有在冬季下的雪都变成了径流, 是什么为我们的含水层提供水, 为农业提供水,最重要的是排入湖中.”

“At Lookout I learned how to measure the layers in snow for our science class. I had a really good time snowshoeing and getting to dig a huge snow pit with some friends. Beside the fact that my hands and feet got extremely cold, I still had a lot of fun. The connection between the snow and the lake is that the snow melts and becomes the lake water.”

“为了让这些风景优美的地方保持现在的样子,并吸引游客, 我们都必须努力去理解这些地方的意义. 我们需要了解这座山,以及它为什么需要雪. 我们需要了解这个湖,以及它需要如何得到滋养. 我们需要明白,我们生活的环境不仅仅是我们自己的, 它也属于其他动物和植物. 科达伦为很多人提供了很多, 为了保持这些值, 我们必须维护土地.”



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博伊西,ID 83702



1031 N. 学术的方式,
心d 'Alene, ID 83814

