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Michelle (Shelley) McGuire

Michelle (Shelley) McGuire

Director & Professor - COBRE


Niccolls Building, Room 105



Mailing Address

School of Family and Consumer Sciences
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 3183
Moscow, ID 83844-3183

请联系Shelley McGuire了解研究生机会.

  • Maternal/infant nutrition
  • Human milk composition
  • Breastfeeding
  • Milk microbiome
  • Cannabis
  • Mastitis
  • Women's health

  • Ericson J, McGuire MK, Svärd A, Hårdstedt M. (2024)产后60天母乳和唾液中总亚硝酸盐和硝酸盐浓度的初步研究. Biomedicines. 2024; 12(6):1195.
  • Holdsworth EA, Berim A, Gang DR, Williams JE, Smith CB, Caffé B, Brooks O, Barbosa-Leiker C, McGuire MA, McGuire MK, Meehan CL. (2024)人乳大麻素浓度及其与母体因素的关系:LAC研究. Breastfeeding Medicine. 19(7):515-524. doi: 10.1089/bfm.2024.0021.
  • Pace RM, King-Nakaoka EA, Morse AG, Pascow KJ, Winquist A, Caffé B, Navarrete AD, Lackey KA, Pace CDW, Fehrenkamp BD, Smith CB, Martin MA, Barbosa-Leiker C, Ley SH, McGuire MA, Meehan CL, Williams JE, McGuire MK. (2024)母亲诊断COVID-19后母乳喂养双胎中SARS-CoV-2粪便排出的患病率和持续时间. Frontiers in Immunology. 21:15:1329092. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2024.1329092.
  • Castro Navarro I, McGuire MA, Williams JE, Holdsworth EA, Meehan CL, McGuire MK. (2024)产妇在哺乳期使用大麻及其对母乳成分和生产的潜在影响:叙述综述. Advances in Nutrition. 15:100196.
  • Smith CB, Schmidt JL, Holdsworth EA, Caffe BQ, Brooks O, Williams JE, Gang DR, McGuire MA, McGuire MK, Barbosa-Leiker C, Meehan CL. (2024)哺乳期间使用大麻:对经常使用大麻的妇女的决策和风险认知的混合方法调查. J Cannabis Res. Cannabis use, decision making, 以及母乳喂养个体对风险的认知:哺乳和大麻研究. J Cannabis Res 6, 6.
  • Holdsworth EA, Williams JE, Pace RM, Lane AA, Garstein M, McGuire MA, McGuire MK, Meehan CL. (2023)母乳喂养模式与母乳微生物组组成有关:MIMBES研究. PLoS ONE 18(8), e0287839.
  • Caffé B, Fehrenkamp BD, Williams JE, Pace RM, Lackey KL, Ruíz L, Rodríguez JM, McGuire MA, Foster JA, Sellen DW, Kamau-Mbuthia EW, Kamundia EW, Mbugua S, Moore SE, Prentice AM, Kvist LJ, Otoo GE, Pareja RG, Bode L, Gebeyehu D, Gindola DK, Boothman S, Flores K, McGuire MK, Meehan CL. (2023)母乳免疫因子随母亲营养状况和婴儿性别的变化:INSPIRE研究. Am J Hum Biol. 35 (11), e23943.
  • Tabb DL, Jeong K, Druart K, Gant MS, Brown KA, Nicora C, Zhou M, McGuire MK, Chamot-Rooke J. (2023)比较自上而下的蛋白质形态鉴定:反卷积、PrSM重叠和PTM检测. J Proteome Research. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.2c00673.
  • Smilowitz JT, Allen L, Dallas D, McManaman J, Raiten DJ, Rozga M, Sela DA, Seppo A, Williams JE, Young B, McGuire MK. (2023) Ecologies, synergies, 以及形成母乳成分的生物系统——母乳生态学和婴儿营养起源(BEGIN)第二工作组的报告. Am J Clin Nutr, 117, S28-S42.
  • Couvillion SP, Mostoller KE, Williams JE, Pace RM, Stohel IL, Peterson HK, Nicolra CD, Nakayusa ES, Webb-Robertson B-JM, McGuire MA, McGuire MK, Metz TO. (2023)在多组学时代探究牛奶微生物组. Front Microbiol. 14:1105675. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1105675.

Michelle (Shelley) McGuire于1986年获得伊利诺伊大学生物学学士学位。, 1988年获得伊利诺伊大学营养科学硕士学位,1994年获得康奈尔大学人类营养学博士学位。. 她的研究主要集中在更好地了解母乳喂养期间母亲的饮食和营养状况如何影响母乳成分和母婴健康. 她的研究特别感兴趣的是了解饮食脂质对母婴健康的重要性.

Shelley也对理解产后排卵功能恢复的生理机制有着长期的兴趣. Recently, 雪莱和她的同事马克·麦奎尔和珍妮特·威廉姆斯(都在bet365亚洲官网)对人乳中细菌的存在和变异性产生了兴趣(被称为人乳微生物组). As an extension, 他们还对牛奶微生物组如何影响美国和美国婴儿的短期和长期健康感兴趣.S. and globally. 雪莱的研究得到了包括美国儿童基金会在内的多个组织的资助.S. Department of Agriculture, National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, 比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会,以及国家牧牛人牛肉协会和爱达荷州乳制品委员会等商品组织. 麦圭尔还热情地致力于通过提供用户友好的产品来改善人类健康, high-quality, 向媒体和公众提供基于证据的营养信息.

Shelley is a seasoned science writer, 与人合著了两本入门教科书:一本是第三版(营养科学:从基础到食品), 另一个在其第二版(NUTR), Cengage Publishing).

Shelley lives with her husband (Mark, 研究副主任兼爱达荷农业实验站主任, bet365亚洲官网)和他们的新斯科舍寻回鸭在莫斯科, Idaho. When she’s not engaged in teaching, research or service, she enjoys being with her family and friends, traveling, cooking and eating, running, playing the flute, singing and practicing Iyengar yoga.

  • 营养教育奖,美国营养学会,2018年
  • Thomas E. 2016年,华盛顿州立大学文理学院卢茨教学优秀奖
  • 2008-2017年,美国营养学会全国发言人
  • Ehrlich-Koldovsky Award, 由国际母乳和哺乳研究学会颁发,以“表彰一位开始做出杰出贡献的年轻研究者”, 对人类乳汁和哺乳研究的原创性科学贡献,” 2002
  • 未来领袖奖,国际生命科学研究所,2000
  • Phi Beta Kappa荣誉(伊利诺伊大学分会),1986年


University of Idaho

Physical Address:
Mary Hall Niccolls Building, Rm 103
751 Campus Drive

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Dr. MS 3183
Moscow, ID 83844-3183

Phone: 208-885-6546

Fax: 208-885-5751




Mailing Address:
322 E. Front Street, Suite 180
Boise, ID 83702

Phone: 208-334-2999

Fax: 208-364-4035




Mailing Address:
1031 N. Academic Way, Suite 242
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814-2277

Phone: 208-667-2588

Fax: 208-664-1272

